2021-06-16 - New: Share box icon size option - Improvement: Allow search through Forum, Topic and Reply - Improvement: Handle bbPress profile page - Improvement: Minor RTL improvements - Improvement: Gutenberg columns spacing - Improvement: Better compatibility with Wholesale Price plugin - Improvement: Deal with popups (CBX bookmark plugin) in archive cards caused by overflow hidden - Improvement: WooCommerce gallery with vertical thumbnails - Improvement: WooCommerce account page sidebar colors - Fix: Single variable product gallery issue - Fix: Page title type 2 excerpt alignment 2021-06-11 - New: WooCommerce variation image gallery option - New: Archive cards featured image hover effect - New: Conditionally load theme CSS files - New: Header row - boxed container structure - New: Implement sorting by publication date published to blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Sticky header code improvements - Improvement: Better support for filtering plugins - Improvement: WooCommerce notice wrapper position when used in Elementor - Improvement: Form drop down background color becomes unchangeable if type 2 is selected - Improvement: Add `nofollow` attribute to social links - Improvement: Minor accessibility improvements - Improvement: Menu dropdown pointer events - Improvement: Adjust wording for "Image Size" width option - Improvement: WooCommerce AJAX grouped products add to cart - Improvement: Small Elementor section improvement - Improvement: WooCommerce gallery zoom icon - Improvement: Off Canvas Filter conflict with YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout - Fix: Container background pattern type issue - Fix: Products shortcode not inheriting pagination options from products archive - Fix: bbPress page title color issue - Fix: Brizy popups layout width fix - Fix: Product category archives do not display the featured image on the front end - Fix: Product variations do not change the current gallery image - Fix: Safari overflow layout issue - Fix: Lightbox close icon triggers offcanvas menu on mobile - Fix: WooCommerce gallery images issue 2021-06-09 - New: Archive cards featured image hover effect - New: Conditionally load theme CSS files - New: Header row - boxed container structure - Improvement: Better support for filtering plugins - Improvement: WooCommerce notice wrapper position when used in Elementor - Improvement: Form drop down background color becomes unchangeable if type 2 is selected - Improvement: Add `nofollow` attribute to social links - Improvement: Some more accessibility improvements - Improvement: Menu dropdown pointer events - Improvement: Adjust wording for "Image Size" width option - Improvement: Small Elementor section improvement - Improvement: WooCommerce gallery zoom icon - Improvement: Off Canvas Filter conflict with YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout - Fix: Brizy popups layout width fix - Fix: Product category archives do not display the featured image on the front end - Fix: Product variations do not change the current gallery image - Fix: Safari overflow layout issue - Fix: Lightbox close icon triggers offcanvas menu on mobile - Fix: WooCommerce gallery images issue 2021-05-17 - Improvement: Smarter handling for Elementor full width template 2021-05-12 - Improvement: Visual Composer layout - Improvement: Elementor boxed sections - Improvement: Allow moving upsells and related products from code - Fix: Flexy gallery last image from pills pops up on hover - Fix: WooCommerce single product page boxed layout issue - Fix: Single posts tags alignment issue 1.8.3: 2021-05-11 - Improvement: Change footer menu `data-direction` attribute to `data-menu-direction` for a better compatibility with YITH carousel - Improvement: Sticky header customizer sync - Improvement: Posts widget numbered design - Improvement: Link back to top button to `#main-container` to prevent an accessibility warning - Improvement: Smarter page builders detection and page structure handling - Improvement: Update theme WooCommerce `pot` translation files - Improvement: Add aria-label attribute on theme SVG icons to comply with WCAG guidelines - Improvement: Make social and sharing links open in new tab optional (same tab for a11y) - Improvement: Elementor anchor links + sticky header - Fix: Image zoom for WooCommerce doesn’t work on first hover after load - Fix: Floating cart + sticky bottom row overlap - Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries - Fix: Ajax add to cart doesn’t work on android device - Fix: Header row customizer sync issue 1.8.3-beta9: 2021-05-07 - Improvement: Posts widget numbered design - Improvement: Link back to top button to `#main-container` to prevent an accessibility warning - Improvement: Smarter page builders detection and page structure handling - Improvement: Add aria-label attribute on theme SVG icons to comply with WCAG guidelines - Improvement: Make social and sharing links open in new tab optional (same tab for a11y) - Improvement: Elementor anchor links + sticky header - Fix: Floating cart + sticky bottom row overlap - Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries - Fix: WooCommerce strings issue - Fix: Header row issue 1.8.2: 2021-05-01 - Fix: Check terms list is not WP_Error 1.8.1: 2021-05-01 - Improvement: Sticky sidebar (Safari browser) - Improvement: Small layout issue on mobile - Improvement: page with sidebar and wide aligned blocks - Improvement: Better compatibility CSS with Getwid plugin - Improvement: Load Getwid compatibility CSS only when the plugin is active - Improvement: Remove redundant links in Related Posts module - Improvement: Dynamic JS chunks with SG Optimiser - Fix: Page hero type-2 top padding - Fix: Boxed layout issue - Fix: Ajax add to cart - Fix: Load more pagination issue - Fix: Beaver builder layout 1.8.0: 2021-04-28 - New: Make Gutenberg editor to inherit or not the theme global styles - New: 12 new global color palettes - New: Elementor compatibility with theme global colors and palettes - New: Add 3 more colors to the color palette - New: Better loading strategy for global & metabox dynamic CSS - New: Separated color option for each heading tag - New: Change variable name from var(--headingColor) to var(--heading-color) - New: Support for Badge Designer Lite For WooCommerce - New: integration with WooCommerce Single Variations - New: Footer widget area alignment options - New: Form elements border radius option - New: Better loading strategy for Google Fonts - New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks - New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply - New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images - New: Global button border option - New: Scroll to top new icons - New: Add scroll smooth behavior - New: Site title heading filter - New: Integration with Zion builder - New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places - New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices - New: Add Mastodon social network - New: Responsive boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style - Improvement: Breadcrumbs proper handling for page hierarchy - Improvement: WooCommerce allow more product rows - Improvement: Share box type 2 - add official color option - Improvement: Refactor share box type 2 - Improvement: Move reset customizer button - Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery - Improvement: Change theme text domain `woocommerce` to `blocksy` in cart and checkout templates - Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position - Improvement: RTL - cart page - Improvement: RTL - single product gallery - Improvement: RTL - checkout page - Improvement: RTL - search icon position - Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position - Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors - Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows - Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns - Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files - Improvement: Improve post editor background color - Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card - Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position - Improvement: WooCommerce cart page - Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS - Improvement: Thinner theme icons - Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. - Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header - Fix: Footer background overlay color issue - Fix: Posts shortcode pagination - Fix: Color picker modal position - Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed - Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug - Fix: Embeds in content blocks - Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design - Fix: Better handling for original ratio - Fix: Share box icon colors - Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas 1.8.0-beta8: 2021-04-24 - Fix: Proper reveal logic 1.8.0-beta7: 2021-04-23 - New: 12 new global color palettes - New: Elementor compatibility with theme global colors and palettes - New: Add 3 more colors to the color palette - New: Better loading strategy for global & metabox dynamic CSS - New: Separated color option for each heading tag - New: Change variable name from var(--headingColor) to var(--heading-color) - New: Support for Badge Designer Lite For WooCommerce - New: integration with WooCommerce Single Variations - New: Footer widget area alignment options - New: Form elements border radius option - New: Better loading strategy for Google Fonts - Improvement: Breadcrumbs proper handling for page hierarchy - Improvement: WooCommerce allow more product rows - Improvement: Share box type 2 - add official color option - Improvement: Refactor share box type 2 - Improvement: Move reset customizer button - Fix: Footer background overlay color issue - Fix: Posts shortcode pagination 1.8.0-beta2: 2021-04-09 - New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks - New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply - New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images - New: Global button border option - New: Scroll to top new icons - New: Add scroll smooth behavior - New: Site title heading filter - New: Integration with Zion builder - New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places - New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices - New: Add Mastodon social network - New: Responsive boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style - Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery - Improvement: Change theme text domain `woocommerce` to `blocksy` in cart and checkout templates - Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position - Improvement: RTL - cart page - Improvement: RTL - single product gallery - Improvement: RTL - checkout page - Improvement: RTL - search icon position - Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position - Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors - Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows - Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns - Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files - Improvement: Improve post editor background color - Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card - Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position - Improvement: WooCommerce cart page - Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS - Improvement: Thinner theme icons - Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. - Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header - Fix: Color picker modal position - Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed - Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug - Fix: Embeds in content blocks - Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design - Fix: Better handling for original ratio - Fix: Share box icon colors - Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas 1.8.0-beta1: 2021-04-06 - New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks - New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply - New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images - New: Global button border option - New: Scroll to top new icons - New: Add scroll smooth behavior - New: Site title heading filter - New: Integration with Zion builder - New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places - New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices - New: Add Mastodon social network - New: Responsive boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style - Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position - Improvement: RTL - cart page - Improvement: RTL - single product gallery - Improvement: RTL - checkout page - Improvement: RTL - search icon position - Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position - Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors - Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows - Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns - Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files - Improvement: Improve post editor background color - Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card - Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position - Improvement: WooCommerce cart page - Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS - Improvement: Thinner theme icons - Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. - Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header - Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed - Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug - Fix: Embeds in content blocks - Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design - Fix: Better handling for original ratio - Fix: Share box icon colors - Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas 1.7.72-beta2: 2021-04-01 - New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout - New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images - New: Global button border option - New: Scroll to top new icons - New: Add scroll smooth behavior - New: Site title heading filter - New: Integration with Zion builder - New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places - New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices - New: Add Mastodon social network - New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style - Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position - Improvement: RTL - cart page - Improvement: RTL - single product gallery - Improvement: RTL - checkout page - Improvement: RTL - search icon position - Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position - Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors - Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows - Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns - Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files - Improvement: Improve post editor background color - Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card - Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position - Improvement: WooCommerce cart page - Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS - Improvement: Thinner theme icons - Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. - Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header - Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug - Fix: Embeds in content blocks - Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design - Fix: Better handling for original ratio - Fix: Share box icon colors - Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas 1.7.71: 2021-02-24 - Improvement: Validation issue with `ontouchmove` attribute - Improvement: WooCommerce small improvements - Improvement: Archives grid CSS - Improvement: Social icons official color - Fix: Unique widgets ID not outputted 1.7.70: 2021-02-22 - New: Breadcrumbs - add support for SEO plugins breadcrumbs - New: Support for adjust the quantity input values filter - Improvement: Add label options for Account, Cart, Search and Wishlist items - Improvement: Thinner Search icon - Improvement: Respect primary category in breadcrumbs for RankMath, SEOPress, The Seo Framework and WPSEO - Fix: Link type 4 and 5 text color - Fix: Drowdown color when input color is set to transparent 1.7.70-beta1: 2021-02-20 - Improvement: Add label options for Account, Cart, Search and Wishlist items - Improvement: Thinner Search icon - Improvement: Adjust the quantity input values - Improvement: Respect primary category in breadcrumbs for RankMath, SEOPress, The Seo Framework and WPSEO - Fix: Link type 4 and 5 text color - Fix: Drowdown color when input color is set to transparent 1.7.69: 2021-02-16 - New: Detect WPRocket Lazy load - Fix: Images display block problem - Fix: Breadcrumbs keep parent page - Fix: select2 offcanvas problems - Fix: SVG icons fill property 1.7.68: 2021-02-09 - Fix: Search icons colors 1.7.67: 2021-02-08 - New: Blocksy sidebar hooks - Fix: Ignore Polylang hierarchical taxonomies 1.7.66: 2021-02-08 - Fix: Do not override fill for SVGs 1.7.65: 2021-02-07 - New: Option to change the search modal input text - New: Add filter to add new custom social icons - New: Better handling for non-hierarchical taxonomies in CPTs - New: Unsplash, 500px, Alignable social icons - New: WooCommerce: Add option to deactivate product tabs - New: Add option to hide thumbnails from live results search - Improvement: Customizer/dashboard select option - Improvement: WooCommerce select form - inherit form colors - Improvement: Responsive typography option for mobile menu - Improvement: Make footer background color options to be responsive - Improvement: Mobile menu typography option in combination with Elementor global fonts - Improvement: improved some RTL issues - Fix: Header menu Indicator Effect not receiving the default CSS value - Fix: Footer nav validation issue 1.7.65-beta1: 2021-02-02 - New: WooCommerce: Add option to deactivate product tabs - New: Add option to hide thumbnails from live results search - Fix: Fix some RTL issues 1.7.64: 2021-01-28 - New: WooCommerce: new type of tabs in single product - New: WooCommerce: Add alignment option for product tabs - New: Add padding option for page title Type 2 - Improvement: Improve mobile menu options panel - Improvement: Improve cards reveal effect - Improvement: CartFlows plugin integration - Fix: Fix drawer cart freeze - Fix: Fix drawer cart scroll bar on Windows OS 1.7.63: 2021-01-26 - Improvement: WooCommerce: improve single product buttons position - Improvement: Improve Google Fonts CSS2 italic fonts output - Fix: Fix share box hover colors - Fix: Fix mobile and cart drawer panel scroll - Fix: Fix infinite pagination issue on categories - Fix: Fix accessibility alerts for broken and redundant links - Fix: WooCommerce: fix quantity input width for grouped products 1.7.62: 2021-01-24 - Improvement: Improve embeds aspect ratio - Fix: Fix WooCommerce image zoom distortion - Fix: Author and WooCommerce archives fix cards display 1.7.61: 2021-01-23 - New: Posts shortcode [blocksy_posts post_type="posts"] + supports for CPT's - New: SoundCloud social icon - New: Update Google Fonts syntax to CSS2 - New: Add filter to auto enable the Elementor columns alignment fix - New: Flipboard share social network - New: Option for hiding taxonomy item from breadcrumbs - New: Add color options for widget headings - New: Integration with Page scroll to id plugin with .ct-highlight class - New: Add global border color option - New: Add none content spacing option - New: WooCommerce: single product add to cart button responsive width option - New: WooCommerce: single product add typography option for price - New: WooCommerce: integration with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin - New: WooCommerce: Compatibility with Themify - WooCommerce Product Filter - New: WooCommerce: color options for single product view cart button - New: WooCommerce: compatibility with WPC Product Quantity for WooCommerce plugin - New: WooCommerce: option to change quantity input color - Improvement: Improve off-canvas drawer - Improvement: Make blog title & description translatable - Improvement: Improve menu active/hover decorations - Improvement: Improve pagination alignment - Improvement: Customizer dark mode improvements - Improvement: Improve Brizy container width (max-width/width) with variables - Improvement: Changelog date parsing - Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Product Labels plugins - Improvement: Multiple footers dynamic CSS logic - Improvement: Close Account & Search modal on click outside - Improvement: Better compatibility with Preloader Plus plugin - Improvement: Do not put code in footer.php/header.php to allow template overriding - Improvement: Deprecate blocksy_get_woo_minicart AJAX call - Improvement: Performance improvements for WooCommerce minicart - Improvement: video player max width - Fix: Posts cards read more button: fix font color for simple & outline styles - Fix: Fix search results page when no results - Fix: Fix options modal z-index issue - Fix: Fix customizer image uploader option controls - Fix: Don't show Logo Image Position if an image is not set - Fix: WooCommerce: fix page description - Fix: WooCommerce: fix single product landscape image ratio 1.7.61-beta1: 2021-01-19 - New: WooCommerce: single product add to cart button responsive width option - New: Add SoundCloud social icon - New: Update Google Fonts syntax to CSS2 - New: Add filter to auto enable the Elementor columns alignment fix - New: Flipboard share social network - New: WooCommerce single product add typography option for price - New: Option for hiding taxonomy item from breadcrumbs - New: WooCommerce: add color options for single product view cart button - New: Add compatibility with WPC Product Quantity for WooCommerce plugin - New: Add color options for widget headings - Improvement: Improve pagination alignment - Improvement: Customizer dark mode improvements - Improvement: Improve Brizy container width (max-width/width) with variables - Improvement: Changelog date parsing - Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Product Labels plugins - Improvement: Multiple footers dynamic CSS logic - Improvement: Close Account & Search modal on click outside - Improvement: Better compatibility with Preloader Plus plugin - Improvement: Do not put code in footer.php/header.php to allow template overriding - Fix: Fix search results page when no results - Fix: Fix options modal z-index issue - Fix: Fix customizer image uploader option controls - Fix: Don't show Logo Image Position if an image is not set 1.7.60: 2020-12-31 - Improvement: Select2 click outside while in offcanvas 1.7.59: 2020-12-28 - Improvement: Better support for PHP 8 - Improvement: Allow pagination arrows to be hidden on all devices - Improvement: Posts archive - allow 5 columns per row - Improvement: Allow two columns for footer mobile devices - Fix: Fix footer menu horizontal alignment option - Fix: Fix footer items spacing option 1.7.58: 2020-12-25 - New: WooCommerce: add out of stock badge - New: WooCommerce: add single product title options - New: Author box - add option to show all written posts - New: Add visibility option for simple pagination numbers and arrows - New: AJAX add to cart integration with WooCommerce Bookings - Improvement: Footer element logo: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element button: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element search box: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element menu: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element search socials: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element HTML: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Improvement: Footer element language switcher: add vertical & horizontal alignment options - Fix: Fix page title when switching to custom image - Fix: Mobile Menu Dropdown Freeze after add an product to cart - Fix: Fix box shadow not working for mobile devices - Fix: Elementor columns alignment fix 1.7.57: 2020-12-18 - Fix: Bring back TutorLMS templates 1.7.56: 2020-12-18 - New: Cart totals label visibility - New: LearnDash integration - New: Add Flickr icon - New: Add option to disable related post thumbnail - New: Add menu location inside the select menu dropdown - New: Add option to vertically align footer widgets/columns - New: Add Visibility option to hide footer elements on different devices - New: Add full width option for featured image - New: Related posts chose different taxonomy - New: Add content vertical alignment option in off canvas - New: Add TutorLMS integration - New: Add overlay color option to backgroun option when image is set as a background - Improvement: Improve header menu page list - Improvement: Improve gradient picker - Improvement: Improve customizer dark mode - Improvement: Search results don't show placeholders if featured image is not set - Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas - Improvement: Don't show image placeholder if featured image is not set - Improvement: Hide transparent/sticky state colors when item is in off-canvas - Improvement: Alignment option for HTML element from header and footer - Improvement: Improve mobile menu alignment in off-canvas - Improvement: Better support for WP-Backery plugin - Improvement: Improve header menus - Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas - Improvement: Typography modal position engine - Improvement: RTL modals issue - Fix: Social icons size option error with Litespeed plugin - Fix: Fix RTL post meta spacing issue - Fix: Brizy single product arrow problem - Fix: Disable menu doesn't work with conditional menus plugin - Fix: Fix language switcher color & font issue - Fix: Fix header and footer builder freeze - Fix: Fix Formidable Forms datepicker select color - Fix: Fix boxed content shadow and color modal position - Fix: Header & Footer Builders freeze fixes 1.7.56-beta3: 2020-12-16 - New: Add TutorLMS integration - New: Add overlay color option to backgroun option when image is set as a background - Improvement: Improve header menu page list - Improvement: Improve gradient picker - Improvement: Improve customizer dark mode - Improvement: Search results don't show placeholders if featured image is not set - Fix: Fix boxed content shadow and color modal position - Fix: Header & Footer Builders freeze fixes 1.7.56-beta2: 2020-12-15 - New: LearnDash integration - New: Cart totals label visibility - New: Add Flickr icon - New: Add option to disable related post thumbnail - New: Add menu location inside the select menu dropdown - New: Add option to vertically align footer widgets/columns - New: Add Visibility option to hide footer elements on different devices - New: Add full width option for featured image - New: Related posts chose different taxonomy - New: Add content vertical alignment option in off canvas - Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas - Improvement: Don't show image placeholder if featured image is not set - Improvement: Hide transparent/sticky state colors when item is in off-canvas - Improvement: Alignment option for HTML element from header and footer - Improvement: Improve mobile menu alignment in off-canvas - Improvement: Better support for WP-Backery plugin - Improvement: Improve header menus - Fix: Social icons size option error with Litespeed plugin - Fix: Fix RTL post meta spacing issue - Fix: Brizy single product arrow problem - Fix: Disable menu doesn't work with conditional menus plugin - Fix: Fix language switcher color & font issue - Fix: Fix header and footer builder freeze - Fix: Fix Formidable Forms datepicker select color 1.7.56-beta1: 2020-12-10 - New: Cart totals label visibility - New: LearnDash integration - Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas - Improvement: Typography modal position engine - Improvement: RTL modals issue 1.7.55: 2020-12-04 - New: Add support for Beaver theme builder - New: Add Tripadvisor and Foursquare icons - New: Boostify Header Footer Builder integration - New: Add border option for share box Type 1 - New: Add more option for single product add to cart - Improvement: Single product zoomed image as variable - Improvement: Improve single product gallery images spacing - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce mini cart CSS - Improvement: Account element - add label device visibility option - Improvement: Make Elementor columns alignment fix option to be enabled by default - Fix: Fix WP video element opacity - Fix: Fix single product sticky summary + sticky header - Fix: Issue with menu More item - Fix: Fix woo single product vertical gallery overlapping content - Fix: Fix tags widget count spacing 1.7.54: 2020-11-26 - Improvement: Make sidebar typography colors responsive - Fix: Fix cart hover color - Fix: Fix logo URL filter - Fix: Fix desktop trigger - Fix: Fix conditions menu - Fix: Fix options popup z-index 1.7.54-beta1: 2020-11-26 - Improvement: Make sidebar typography colors responsive - Fix: Fix cart hover color 1.7.53: 2020-11-24 - Improvement: Some layout CSS improvements for page builders 1.7.53-beta1: 2020-11-24 - Improvement: Some layout CSS improvements for page builders 1.7.52: 2020-11-23 - New: Add gradient option and gradient swatches - New: Add Apple Podcasts icon - Improvement: Improve Brizy layout when theme sidebar is active - Improvement: Some RTL improvements - Improvement: Improve sticky state shrink behavior - Improvement: Improve options modal windows (color picker, background, shadow) - Improvement: Scroll to top side offset option - Improvement: Improve related posts and comments spacing when Module Placement is contained - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce minicart behavior - Improvement: Load more WooCommerce pagination issue - Fix: Make sure header builder stabilizes items from secondary column - Fix: Subscribe form sync not working 1.7.52-beta1: 2020-11-20 - New: Add gradient option and gradient swatches - New: Add Apple Podcasts icon - Improvement: Improve sticky state shrink behavior - Improvement: Improve options modal windows (color picker, background, shadow) - Improvement: Scroll to top side offset option - Improvement: Improve related posts and comments spacing when Module Placement is contained - Improvement: Some minor RTL issues - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce minicart behavior - Improvement: Load more WooCommerce pagination issue - Fix: Make sure header builder stabilizes items from secondary column - Fix: Subscribe form sync not working 1.7.51: 2020-11-14 - Improvement: Minor CSS improvement for comments section container - Improvement: `content-wide` class sync 1.7.50: 2020-11-14 - Improvement: Blocksy Companion reference from wp.org - Improvement: Form plugins stylings 1.7.49: 2020-11-13 - Improvement: Minor layout improvements 1.7.48: 2020-11-13 - New: Add 5 and 6 columns and widgets for footer builder - New: Add filter to change logo URL (`blocksy:header:logo:url`) - Improvement: Some RTL improvements - Improvement: Improve responsive menu "More" item - Improvement: Major layout changes to better handle the content blocks/hooks - Improvement: Change variable name from `--containerWidth` to `--container-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--maxSiteWidth` to `--container-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--narrowContainer` to `--narrow-container-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockMaxWidth` to `--block-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockWideWidth` to `--block-wide-max-width` - Improvement: Change attribute `data-columns` to `data-column-set` - Improvement: Improve header menu height when row has shrink enabled - Improvement: Show page title on products search page - Improvement: Improve breadcrumbs for Author archives - Fix: Fix featured image, Full Size is not displayed in the dropdown - Fix: Fix header and footer `data-columns` attribute - Fix: Search live results images blurry - Fix: Fix cart icon sync - Fix: Fix menu responsive "More" item dropdowns - Fix: Fix minor issue with WooCommerce notifications 1.7.48-beta2: 2020-11-12 - New: Add filter to change logo URL (`blocksy:header:logo:url`) - Improvement: Improve responsive menu "More" item - Improvement: Major layout changes to better handle the content blocks/hooks - Improvement: Change variable name from `--containerWidth` to `--container-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--maxSiteWidth` to `--container-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--narrowContainer` to `--narrow-container-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockMaxWidth` to `--block-max-width` - Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockWideWidth` to `--block-wide-max-width` - Improvement: Change attribute `data-columns` to `data-column-set` - Improvement: Improve header menu height when row has shrink enabled - Improvement: Show page title on products search page - Improvement: Improve breadcrumbs for Author archives - Fix: Fix featured image, Full Size is not displayed in the dropdown - Fix: Fix header and footer `data-columns` attribute - Fix: Search live results images blurry - Fix: Fix cart icon sync 1.7.48-beta1: 2020-11-10 - Fix: Fix menu responsive "More" item dropdowns 1.7.47: 2020-11-06 - Fix: Small bugfix 1.7.46: 2020-11-06 - Improvement: Display product image on cart page on mobile devices - Improvement: Display custom declared image sizes in options - Improvement: Some CSS improvements 1.7.45: 2020-11-05 - Improvement: Logo item when picture tag is added by ShortPixel or WebP plugin - Improvement: Logo item position option not appearing in some cases - Fix: Anchor links offsets 1.7.45-beta2: 2020-11-05 - Fix: Anchor links offsets 1.7.45-beta1: 2020-11-04 - Fix: Social icons colors 1.7.44: 2020-11-03 - Fix: Header logo correct width 1.7.43: 2020-11-03 - New: Add suppport for Google Analytics 4 - New: Add footer border full/contained width option - New: Add Skype, GitLab, WordPress, phone and email icons to social element - Improvement: Improve Brizy boxed custom width option - Improvement: disable responsive header menu for ubermenu - Improvement: Elementor container width adjustment - Improvement: Better handling for anchor links & sticky header - Improvement: Brizy boxed custom width option - Improvement: `More` button in live search results - Fix: Logo item when no position options - Fix: Responsive desktop menu resize handling 1.7.43-beta6: 2020-11-03 - Fix: Responsive desktop menu resize handling 1.7.43-beta5: 2020-11-03 - New: Add suppport for Google Analytics 4 - New: Add footer border full/contained width option - New: Add Skype, GitLab, WordPress, phone and email icons to social element - Improvement: Brizy boxed custom width option - Improvement: `More` button in live search results - Fix: Logo item when no position options 1.7.43-beta4: 2020-10-28 - Improvement: Better handling for anchor links & sticky header 1.7.43-beta3: 2020-10-27 - Improvement: Elementor container width adjustment 1.7.43-beta1: 2020-10-24 - Improvement: Improve Brizy boxed custom width option - Improvement: disable responsive header menu for ubermenu 1.7.42: 2020-10-22 - Improvement: Background for posts & pages in metabox - Improvement: Styles enqueueing order improvement 1.7.41: 2020-10-22 - New: Enable theme menu locations & add options in header menu items - Improvement: WooCommerce RTL support - Improvement: Better check for `wp.customize` presence - Improvement: Improve logo item with sticky functionality - Improvement: Better handle Customizer settings in Gutenberg editor - Improvement: Fallback option for non-system fonts - Improvement: Add tags switch in Page when taxonomy available - Improvement: WooCommerce responsive archive in Elementor - Fix: WooCommerce sale custom string for grouped products - Fix: CPT related posts default value - Fix: Better check for wp.customize in frontend 1.7.41-beta1: 2020-10-20 - Fix: Better check for wp.customize in frontend 1.7.40: 2020-10-13 - Improvement: Ratio picker option - Improvement: Html select item for Firefox browser - Improvement: Refactor font family output strategy - Improvement: Page title featured image for CPTs - Improvement: Add CodePen social network - Improvement: Add WPML and Polylang translations strings - Fix: Issues with plugins that enqueue CSS depending on the post content 1.7.39: 2020-10-10 - Fix: More items proper submenu handling 1.7.38: 2020-10-09 - Improvement: Page title/hero background image - Improvement: Hide post items from Elementor Saved Templates - Improvement: Improve Elementor variable product select fields - Improvement: Improve header sticky state and anchor links - Improvement: Some CSS fixes and improvements - Fix: Blog cards button alignment issue - Fix: Don't display tags on single pages 1.7.38-beta2: 2020-10-06 - Improvement: Elementor variable product select fields - Improvement: Don't display background image if there is a custom or featured image set - Improvement: Elementor product gallery - Fix: button alignment issue - Fix: Don't display tags on single pages 1.7.38-beta1: 2020-10-05 - New: Allow querying of CPTs from REST API 1.7.37: 2020-09-29 - New: Add image size option for featured image in single post - Improvement: Search module functionality - Improvement: Add customizer shortcuts for archive cards & sidebars - Fix: Typography rem unit issue 1.7.36: 2020-09-29 - New: Add Snapchat social icon - Improvement: Correctly sync header builder logo with custom_logo - Improvement: Smarter pick of taxonomies depending on hierarchical for CPTs - Improvement: Add WooCommerce product card actions - Fix: Correctly detect Elementor templates - Fix: Header HTML item improvement - Fix: jQuery Migrate absence compatibility - Fix: Side offcanvas z-index issue 1.7.36-beta2: 2020-09-29 - Improvement: Add WooCommerce product card actions - Fix: Header HTML item improvement - Fix: jQuery Migrate absence compatibility 1.7.36-beta1: 2020-09-29 - Improvement: Correctly sync header builder logo with custom_logo - Fix: Correctly detect Elementor templates 1.7.35: 2020-09-28 - Improvement: Elementor boxed content with option `--containerWidth` - Improvement: WooComerce Filters lazy loading integration with filters - Improvement: Sticky header shrink height - Fix: Product view gallery - Fix: Menu dropdown negative offset 1.7.34: 2020-09-25 - Fix: Elementor layout fixes - Fix: Header properly correct position of items in secondary 1.7.34-beta1: 2020-09-25 - Fix: Elementor layout fixes - Fix: Header properly correct position of items in secondary 1.7.33: 2020-09-24 - Fix: Get rid of the crash with old Companion versions 1.7.32: 2020-09-23 - Improvement: Support for Brizy WooCommerce module - Improvement: Improve sticky header height default value - Improvement: Add responsive controls to the Site Background option - Fix: Issue with menu type 3 colors - Fix: Footer socials alignment - Fix: Social icons styles when in mobile menu 1.7.32-beta1: 2020-09-22 - Improvement: Support for Brizy WooCommerce module - Fix: Issue with menu type 3 colors - Fix: Footer socials alignment 1.7.31: 2020-09-18 - Fix: Minor issue with mobile menu dropdowns 1.7.30: 2020-09-18 - New: responsive background option for page in Page Structure - New: Content Area Spacing for all sides - New: Add color option for close offcanvas button - New: Add font size option for mobile menu dropdown items - New: Add dropdown menu items hover types - Improvement: Dynamically add submenu indicator in menus - Improvement: Improve header social icons size CSS - Improvement: Viewport Frame + full width blocks - Improvement: Don't allow changing of number value above maximum - Improvement: Smarter calculation for responsive desktop menus - Fix: WooCommerce make scrollbar hide by default with `overflow: auto` - Fix: WooCommerce cart/checkout scrollbar on Windows browsers - Fix: Elementor layout issue - Fix: Press Enter in search results form causes a redirect to wrong language - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 8.9.1 - Fix: JS Error when dropdown is disabled for header cart - Fix: UberMenu megamenu lazy load images - Fix: Flexy sliding direction with 2 images in the gallery - Fix: Sync for offcanvas open - Fix: Empty social box defaults to all social networks - Fix: Jetpack handle lazy load - Fix: Parallax tablet/mobile sizing issue - Fix: Parallax correctly detect iPad PRO - Fix: Default post types for REST Search - Fix: Use proper action for changing product wrapper - Fix: Dynamic CSS regeneration on update - Fix: Header builder item fixes 1.7.30-beta10: 2020-09-18 - New: Add dropdown menu items hover types - Improvement: Smarter calculation for responsive desktop menus 1.7.30-beta9: 2020-09-16 - Fix: Header builder item fixes 1.7.30-beta8: 2020-09-16 - Fix: Dynamic CSS regeneration on update 1.7.30-beta7: 2020-09-16 - New: responsive background option for page in Page Structure - New: Content Area Spacing for all sides - New: Add color option for close offcanvas button - New: Add typography option for mobile menu dropdown items - Improvement: Dynamically add submenu indicator in menus - Improvement: Improve header social icons size CSS - Improvement: Viewport Frame + full width blocks - Improvement: Don't allow changing of number value above maximum - Fix: Default post types for REST Search - Fix: Use proper action for changing product wrapper 1.7.30-beta6: 2020-09-11 - Fix: Parallax correctly detect iPad PRO 1.7.30-beta5: 2020-09-10 - Fix: Jetpack handle lazy load - Fix: Parallax tablet/mobile sizing issue 1.7.30-beta3: 2020-09-09 - Fix: UberMenu megamenu lazy load images - Fix: Flexy sliding direction with 2 images in the gallery - Fix: Sync for offcanvas open - Fix: Empty social box defaults to all social networks 1.7.30-beta2: 2020-09-04 - Fix: Press Enter in search results form causes a redirect to wrong language - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 8.9.1 - Fix: JS Error when dropdown is disabled for header cart 1.7.30-beta1: 2020-09-02 - Fix: WooCommerce make scrollbar hide by default with `overflow: auto` - Fix: WooCommerce cart/checkout scrollbar on Windows browsers - Fix: Elementor layout issue 1.7.29: 2020-08-26 - Improvement: WP Rocket CDN support for dynamic JS - Improvement: Logo alignment - Improvement: Dynamic CSS output for mobile devices 1.7.28: 2020-08-24 - Fix: Syntax error 1.7.27: 2020-08-24 - New: `blocksy:breadcrumbs:items-array` filter for breadcrumbs - New: Add Edit Post link at the end of the post - New: Option to disable comments website field - Improvement: Google fonts are not displayed inside editor - Improvement: Row min height - Fix: Sticky header + viewport frame - Fix: Elementor single variable product select field - Fix: Sticky sidebar offset when sticky header is enabled - Fix: Related posts title color - Fix: Row background color on mobile - Fix: Logo position top alignment issue 1.7.26: 2020-08-20 - Fix: Sticky header logo - Fix: Logic for dynamic CSS on small devices 1.7.25: 2020-08-20 - New: Sticky Header - New: Simpler Transparent Header - New: Dynamic JavaScript integration with BunnyCDN - New: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts - New: Add TikTok, DTube, Parler social icons - Improvement: WooCommerce 4.4 Compatibility - Improvement: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts - Improvement: Revamped Logo header element - Improvement: Display post type in breadcrumbs for CPTs - Improvement: Revamped shadow option - Improvement: Search live results on search page - Improvement: Blog cards excerpt typography option - Improvement: Make `blogdescription` translateable via WPML - Improvement: Better compatibility with Qubely - Improvement: Page title Type 2 featured image not displayed in some cases - Fix: WooCommerce pagination issue - Fix: Shop Page Title not taking the featured image from the page settings - Fix: Remove selectr script from being loaded - Fix: Header builder issue when header is not available in the preview - Fix: Page title Type 1 alignment option 1.7.25-beta1: 2020-08-13 - New: Sticky Header - New: Simpler Transparent Header - New: Dynamic JavaScript integration with BunnyCDN - New: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts - Improvement: Revamped Logo header element - Improvement: Revamped shadow option - Improvement: Add TikTok, DTube, Parler social icons - Improvement: Search live results on search page - Improvement: Blog cards excerpt typography option - Improvement: Make `blogdescription` translateable via WPML - Improvement: Button `type="submit"` better compatibility with Qubely - Fix: Shop Page Title not taking the featured image from the page settings - Fix: Remove selectr script from being loaded - Fix: Header builder issue when header is not available in the preview - Fix: Page title Type 1 alignment option 1.7.24: 2020-07-28 - Improvement: WCAG compliant cart header element - Improvement: Integration with Delivery Slots by Iconic - Improvement: Allow custom images in page title - Improvement: Correct handling for links that open second tabs - Fix: Related posts schema.org markup 1.7.24-beta2: 2020-07-28 - Fix: proper versioning 1.7.24-beta1: 2020-07-28 - Improvement: Add `aria-label` to cart header element - Improvement: Integration with Delivery Slots by Iconic - Fix: Related posts schema.org markup 1.7.23: 2020-07-27 - New: Hide header/footer option per page - Improvement: Correctly detect WooCommerce product taxonomies - Improvement: rel="noopener" for external links - Improvement: WP Bakery builder better compatibility - Fix: Lightbox with placeholder image - Fix: Related Posts background color option - Fix: iOS <13 header dropdowns open 1.7.23-beta2: 2020-07-24 - New: Hide header/footer option per page - Improvement: Improve JetPack subscribe widget button - Improvement: Correctly detect WooCommerce product taxonomies - Improvement: rel="noopener" for external links - Fix: Lightbox with placeholder image - Fix: Related Posts background color option - Fix: iOS <13 header dropdowns open 1.7.22: 2020-07-20 - Fix: Properly check for IntersectionObserver presence 1.7.21: 2020-07-20 - Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types - Improvement: Back to top button WCAG compliant - Improvement: Make headings in single posts WCAG compliant - Improvement: Video alignment - Improvement: Better WPForms compatibility - Fix: Variable products gallery, zoom & lightbox - Fix: Search live results when a result doesn't have an image 1.7.21-beta3: 2020-07-18 - Fix: Cleanup changelog 1.7.21-beta2: 2020-07-18 - Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types - Improvement: Back to top button WCAG compliant - Improvement: Video alignment - Improvement: Better WPForms compatibility - Fix: Variable products gallery, zoom & lightbox - Fix: Search live results when a result doesn't have an image 1.7.21-beta1: 2020-07-14 - Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types 1.7.20: 2020-07-13 - New: Automatically detect Custom Post Types and add their appropriate options - New: Add Related Posts thumbnail size option - Improvement: Better compatibility with Stackable plugin - Improvement: Page & post title minor improvements - Improvement: Add Twitch social icon - Improvement: Open mobile dropdown if parent item is empty - Improvement: Improve Floating cart and Store notice when website frame is enabled - Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce product cards customizer sync 1.7.20-beta1: 2020-07-10 - New: Automatically detect Custom Post Types and add their appropriate options - Improvement: Open mobile dropdown if parent item is empty - Improvement: Improve Floating cart and Store notice when website frame is enabled - Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin 1.7.19: 2020-07-04 - New: Hero vertical alignment - Improvement: Proper skip to content link - Fix: Breadcrumbs validation fixes - Fix: Hero section deep links in customizer 1.7.18: 2020-07-03 - New: Keyboard handling for sub-menus & cart dropdown (A11Y) - New: Focus trap for all modals (A11Y) - New: Header global & conditions flow - New: Add `blocksy:header:item-view-path:item_id` filter - New: Support for Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks Plugin - New: WooCommerce product archives image hover effects - New: WooCommerce sale badge options - New: Add text selection color option - Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org - Improvement: Gutenberg Group Block - apply top/bottom padding only when container has a background - Improvement: WooCommerce attributes archives - Improvement: Semantic breadcrumbs html structure - Improvement: Image Zoom & Lightbox improvements - Fix: Cards border radius option not outputting value in frontend - Fix: Cart top totals - Fix: Author avatar size option not getting the right value - Fix: Improve minicart dropdown position - Fix: Breadcrumbs last item link 1.7.18-beta2: 2020-07-02 - New: Keyboard handling for sub-menus & cart dropdown (A11Y) - New: Focus trap for all modals (A11Y) - New: Header global & conditions flow - New: Add `blocksy:header:item-view-path:item_id` filter - Improvement: WooCommerce attributes archives - Improvement: Semantic breadcrumbs html structure - Fix: Improve minicart dropdown position - Fix: Breadcrumbs last item link - Fix: Header migrator logic 1.7.18-beta1: 2020-06-30 - New: Support for Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks Plugin - New: WooCommerce product archives image hover effects - New: WooCommerce sale badge options - New: Add text selection color option - Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org - Improvement: Gutenberg Group Block - apply top/bottom padding only when container has a background - Improvement: Image Zoom & Lightbox improvements - Fix: Cards border radius option not outputting value in frontend - Fix: Cart top totals - Fix: Author avatar size option not getting the right value 1.7.17: 2020-06-26 - New: Redesigned WooCommerce cart page - New: Container structure option for Page Title Type 2 - New: Color picker color format switcher - New: Disable archive pagination option - New: Strava social icon - New: Custom Post Type support in Trending Block - New: Custom Post Type support in Posts Widget - New: Content Area Style to editor options - New: WooCommerce single product image zoom - New: Option for top/bottom vertical spacing inside post types - Improvement: Better Custom Post Types integration - Improvement: Narrow Container Width - make 400px minimum value - Improvement: Better handling for sliders in shadow option type - Improvement: Do not show Nothing Found for non-search queries - Improvement: Breadcrumbs validation - Improvement: Other minor validator improvements - Improvement: Conditionally display beta change log entries - Improvement: Typography letter spacing option to handle negative values - Improvement: Improve single posts inner pagination - Improvement: Elementor float left/right images - Improvement: Simple archive pagination - Improvement: Radio boxes and checkboxes - Improvement: Share Box type 2 open action for touch devices - Improvement: Get rid of the @import statement from Google Fonts - Improvement: WooCommerce image placeholder - Improvement: WooCommerce hidden quantity form - Improvement: Do not output WooCommerce mini cart if WooCommerce is inactive - Improvement: Add rel="opener" for social share links - Fix: Disable comments avatar WordPress option - Fix: Don't capitalize options labels strings 1.7.17-beta9: 2020-06-23 - Fix: Syntax errors 1.7.17-beta8: 2020-06-23 - New: Add option to disable pagination - New: Add Strava social icon - Improvement: Refactor Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types options & sync - Improvement: Header Account element - Improvement: Add Color Picker color format switcher - Improvement: Improve single post (inner) pagination - Improvement: Improve Elementor floated images - Improvement: Don't capitalize strings - Improvement: Improve radio boxes and checkboxes - Improvement: Improve Simple pagination - Improvement: WooCommerce cart & mini cart improvements - Improvement: Add rel="opener" for social share links 1.7.17-beta7: 2020-06-09 - Improvement: Remove category featured image option - Improvement: Typography letter spacing option - Improvement: Custom post types display taxonomies in cards and meta - Fix: Update mini cart issues 1.7.17-beta6: 2020-06-08 - Fix: CPT integration deal with missing post types - Fix: Hero properly fetch featured image for posts - Fix: Hero $mode variable warning 1.7.17-beta5: 2020-06-05 - New: Add Page title type 2 container structure option - Improvement: Improve CPT integration - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce image placeholder - Improvement: Disable comments avatar option - Improvement: Make 400px to be minimum value for narrow container max width - Improvement: Better handling for sliders in shadow option type - Improvement: Breadcrumbs improvements - Improvement: Minor validator improvements - Fix: Do not show Nothing found for non-search queries 1.7.16: 2020-05-29 - Improvement: Better handle for mobile logo wrapper tag - Improvement: Entry excerpt sync - Fix: Account element dynamic styles 1.7.15: 2020-05-28 - New: Add responsive alignment options for page title content - New: Option to enable/disable coupon form on checkout page - New: Header search through post types option - New: Posts listings featured image size option - Improvement: WooCommerce minicart - Improvement: Entry meta module - Improvement: Related posts increase limit - Improvement: Logo item wrapper tag options - Fix: WooCommerce search results page title 1.7.14: 2020-05-23 - Fix: Handling for metabox on posts and pages - Fix: Search modal 1.7.13: 2020-05-22 - New: Add Custom Post Type meta box options - Improvement: Related posts meta options - Fix: Single Posts background color - Fix: Account element not opening when inside offcanvas - Fix: Simple cards border radius option - Fix: Header mobile logo not being displayed - Fix: Gutenberg images spacing issue - Fix: Entry content headings alignment 1.7.12: 2020-05-21 - Fix: Critical error with blocksy_dirname_to_classname() - Fix: Post meta elements defaults - Fix: Custom post types detection 1.7.11: 2020-05-21 - New: Add support for Custom Post Types - New: Add bbPress integration - New: Add BuddyPress integration - New: Number of WooCommerce products for mobile - New: Add Tumblr, Behance, Slack and Spotify social icons - New: Add typography option for sidebar widgets text - New: WooCommerce Floating Cart visibility option - Improvement: Avoid header js detection and do not use `wp_is_mobile()` anymore - Improvement: Get rid of the `script` tags from header - Improvement: Performance for General options in Header - Improvement: Entry content items spacing - Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org - Improvement: Change lists indentation from margin to padding - Improvement: Color picker option - Improvement: Change comments ID from ct-comments to comments - Improvement: Refactor post meta module - Improvement: Improve blocks left & right alignment - Fix: Woo mini cart totals - Fix: Woo variations switch Android bug - Fix: Remove drafts and coming soon (sheduled) from trending block - Fix: Conflict with data-lazy attribute in Draw Attention plugin - Fix: Avoid high CPU usage in Safari due to CSS variables in gradients - Fix: Header modal click propagation - Fix: Woo shortcodes pagination - Fix: Woo Product Filter plugin conflict - Fix: Header display for big tablets - Fix: Footer widget text not initializing 1.7.10: 2020-04-22 - New: Page/Post title advanced module - Improvement: Add caption support to single post featured image - Improvement: Posts Navigation module - Improvement: Thumbnail size for Gutenberg blog layout - Improvement: Gutenberg left/right aligned blocks - Improvement: Improve full width blocks spacing - Improvement: Allow