<%= ( 'basic' === license ) ? 'Free' : 'Premium' %> BoldGrid Connect Key

<% if ( 'basic' === license ) { %>

Thank you for adding your Connect Key. Try upgrading to a Premium subscription for full access to BoldGrid!

<% } else if ( 'premium' === license ) { %>

Awesome! You have Premium Connect Key saved on this site.

Make sure you're getting the most out of your premium subscription by installing our other BoldGrid plugins. As a Premium user, you also have unlimited access to Cloud WordPress where you can create new WordPress sites for free. If you need any help, our support team is eager to serve!

<% } %> <% if ( 'basic' === license ) { %>


<% } %>

Click here to change your Connect Key

Upgrade Your Connect Key

You were taken to BoldGrid Central to upgrade your Connect Key. Once you've finished you'll be able to install Premium Blocks.

Okay, Got It!

Enter Your BoldGrid Connect Key

A Connect Key allows you to fully explore BoldGrid features. Please enter your 32 digit BoldGrid Connect Key below and click submit.

You must enter a valid BoldGrid Connect Key.

<% if ( ! claimEnvato ) { %>

Don't have a Connect Key yet?

<% } else { %>
Thank you for your Envato Market purchase.
Please visit BoldGrid Central to link your accounts and claim your Premium Connect Key.
<% } %>

Successfully Saved Your Connect Key!

Thank you for adding your Connect Key. Try upgrading to a Premium subscription for full access to BoldGrid! To find out more, please see: BoldGrid Connect Keys Congratulations on your new BoldGrid Connect Key. You now have access to Premium Blocks as well as any other premium BoldGrid plugins and features.