=== Ultra === Contributors: Misplon Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce Tested up to: 5.7 Requires at least: 4.7 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Easy to use and quick to setup, Ultra is a powerful multipurpose theme. == Description == Use it to launch your business site, blog or portfolio. Create detailed layouts without writing a line of code using SiteOrigin's drag and drop Page Builder plugin. Start your pages off with a bold full-width Smart Slider and keep users engaged with a sticky menu. Fast, responsive, SEO optimized and backed by professional level support, Ultra is ready for your next project. == Installation == 1. Login to your WordPress installation and go to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme. 2. Click Choose File and browse to the theme's ZIP file on your computer. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to get started with your new theme right away. == Documentation == [Documentation](http://purothemes.com/documentation/ultra-theme/) is available on purothemes.com. == Support == [Support](http://purothemes.com/support/forum/ultra-theme/) is available on purothemes.com. == Custom Background == Please note that the WordPress Custom Background feature is only enabled when using the "Boxed" layout bound theme setting. It isn't available when using the default Full Width setting. Layout Bound can be set from Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings > Layout > Layout Bound. Custom Background options can be set from Appearance > Customize > Colors > Background Color and Appearance > Customize > Background Image. [Layout Bound Documentation] (http://purothemes.com/documentation/ultra-theme/theme-settings/layout/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I make drop down menu items open to the left instead of the right? = By default drop down menus appear to the right of their parent menu item. Right alignment can be problematic for menu items close to the end of the screen, causing items to disappear off the edge of the screen. Ultra doesn't automatically adjust for this but does offer a manual solution. To change the direction of a drop down menu, follow these steps: 1. Go to Appearance > Menus and click Screen Options top right. Under "Show advanced menu properties" enable "CSS classes". 2. Locate a drop down parent menu item and click the down arrow next to the menu item name. 3. Go to the CSS Classes (optional) field and enter the following word: left = How do I add social icons to the top and bottom bar? = 1. Ultra makes use of a social icon menu system managed from Appearance > Menus. Icons are rendered by the [Font Awesome library](http://fontawesome.io/icons/). Navigate to Appearance > Menus and click the "create a new menu" link. Choose a name for your menu and click the blue "Save Menu" button. Next look at the left column and locate the "Custom Links" tab, open it and add your first network. For example if we were adding a Twitter icon for Puro Themes we'd add the following to the URL field: https://twitter.com/purothemes 2. The URL should be a link to your profile page on one of the supported networks below. The Link Text can be anything you'd like, it won't be displayed on the front end of your site. RSS links should contain the word feed with a forward slash before and after the word feed. For example: https://purothemes.com/feed/ 3. Once you've added your networks, scroll down to the bottom of the page and locate the Theme Locations sub-heading under the Menu Settings heading. Locate the social icon menu locations (Top Bar Social Menu and Bottom Bar Social Menu) and select the ones you want. Lastly, click the "Save Menu" button again. As of version 1.0.1 all menu locations will render icons when a social link is inserted into a menu item. As of version 1.0.1 Ultra's social menu locations have the ability to render regular link items as well as social icons. Available icons: * Behance * CodePen * Delicious * deviantART * Digg * Dribbble * Facebook * Feed (RSS) * Flickr * Foursquare * GitHub * Instagram * LinkedIn * Pinterest * reddit * Snapchat * SoundCloud * StackExchange * Stack Overflow * Tumblr * Twitter * Vimeo * Vine * Vk * Weibo * WordPress.com * Xing * Yelp * YouTube Un-supported networks will display the Navigation Label text. No icon will be rendered. == Plugin Support == Ultra includes integration support for the following plugins: * [Breadcrumb NavXT](https://wordpress.org/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/) * [Jetpack Infinite Scroll](https://jetpack.com/support/infinite-scroll/) * [Jetpack Related Posts](https://jetpack.com/support/related-posts/) * [Page Builder by SiteOrigin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/siteorigin-panels/) * [SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle](https://wordpress.org/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/) * [SiteOrigin CSS](https://wordpress.org/plugins/so-css/) * [Smart Slider 3](https://wordpress.org/plugins/smart-slider-3/) * [Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/) * [Yoast Breadcrumbs](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/) * [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/) == License == Ultra WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014 Andrew Misplon. Ultra is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. Ultra WordPress Theme is derived from Underscores WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 Automattic http://underscores.me/ Underscores WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. == Images == Slider image "Venice Surf" sourced from http://jaymantri.com/ by Jay Mantri (http://jaymantri.com/post/98455124728/download) licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). Slider image "Tuscany" sourced from [PxHere.com](https://pxhere.com/en/photo/55) by Daniel Genser licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). == Bundled Resources == Breadcrumb Trail, Copyright 2013 Justin Tadlock Licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later [Source](https://github.com/justintadlock/breadcrumb-trail) FitVids, Copyright 2013, Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com Released under the WTFPL license [Source](https://github.com/davatron5000/FitVids.js/) FlexSlider, Copyright 2012 WooThemes Free to use under the GPLv2 license [Source](http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/) Flexie, Copyright 2010 Richard Herrera Licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [Source](https://github.com/doctyper/flexie) Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io Font released under the SIL OFL 1.1, CSS released under the MIT License. HC-Sticky, Copyright 2014 Some Web Guy Licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [Source](https://github.com/somewebmedia/hc-sticky) HTML5 Shiv, Copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas (aFarkas) Licensed under a dual license system (MIT or GPL version 2) [Source](https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv) Normalize.css, Copyright Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal Licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [Source](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/) Selectivizr, Copyright Keith Clark Licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [Source](https://github.com/keithclark/selectivizr) TinyColor, Copyright (c), Brian Grinstead Licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [Source](https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor) == SiteOrigin Settings == This theme makes use of the SiteOrigin Settings Framework contained in the /inc folder. All code is licensed under GPL 2.0 and copyright 2013 Greg Priday unless otherwise stated in the file header. == Changelog == = 1.6.2 - 30 May 2021 = * Updated Chosen to version 1.8.7. * Various updates for jQuery 3.5 compatibility. * Set Google Fonts to display block. * Updated the Google Fonts array. * Added FitVids support to the Block Editor. * Developer: Added `ultra_is_post_loop_template` function to check if a SiteOrigin Post Loop is being rendered. = 1.6.1 - 29 November 2020 = * Added a new action hook to the `header.php` file: `ultra_content_before`. * Updated HC-Sticky JavaScript library to `2.2.6`. * Added Danish theme translation files. * Resolved logo and site title positioning issues. = 1.6.0 - 06 September 2020 = * Minor code formatting enhancements. * Added new `Display Site Title and Logo` setting. * Added Block Editor support for Wide Alignment. = 1.5.0 - 15 December 2019 = * Updated screenshot. * Minor PHP formatting corrections. * Changed home slider setting default to None. * Fixed home slider setting description escaping error. = 1.4.0 - 08 December 2019 = * Comments navigation icon: minor position adjustment. * Search widget icon: minor position adjustment. * Button styling: minor styling adjustment. * Added privacy policy link and setting at `Customize > Theme Settings > Footer > Privacy Policy Link`. * Prevented copyright text container from outputting if empty. * Minor code formatting fixes. * Updated selectivizr to v1.0.3b. * Ensured page slider shortcode not outputted if slider plugin isn't active. * Post Meta: Formatting change to ensure user date formatting setting is respected. * Prevented menu social links from being added to sub-menu items. = 1.3.10 - 29 September 2019 = * Adjusted related posts functionality to respect the user selected date format. * Improvements to smooth scroll and one page navigation functionality. Prevented anchor sticking on mobile devices. * Updated Flexslider minified version to fix file error. = 1.3.9 - 22 September 2019 = * Removed attribution link rel designer, removed link title. * Improved entry footer styling. * Minor code style improvements. * Removed Google Plus icon. * Premium: Resolved HTML5 Ajax comments error. = 1.3.8 - 04 August 2019 = * Increased top bar z-index to resolve overlap visibility bug. * Moved WooCommerce setup actions into a function `ultra_woocommerce_setup`. = 1.3.7 - 16 June 2019 = * Added a filter to disable Google Fonts output `ultra_import_google_fonts`. * Updated Google Fonts array. * Added `wp_body_open` action hook. * Top bar and main menu drop-down functionality converted from JS to CSS. * Changed site title to `p` tag when not on home page. Change site description to `p` tag. * Premium: Fixed social button alignment. = 1.3.6 - 05 May 2019 = * Adjusted entry title line height. * Removed duplicate logo link when Site Identity logo used. = 1.3.5 - 14 March 2019 = * Adjusted page link styling for changed HTML structure. * Removed support for Jetpack Responsive Videos in favour of FitVids. * Mobile Menu: Allow empty parent links to open the sub-menu. * Premium: Fixed Retina logo setting bug. = 1.3.4 - 11 January 2019 = * Prevented FitVids.js if it's a Block Editor page. * Prevented loading Jetpack compatibility file unless Jetpack is active. * Minor comments form spacing fixes. * Updated theme settings dependencies to `get_template_directory_uri`. = 1.3.3 - 27 September 2018 = * Added Catamaran Google Font. * Added z-index to top bar for overlap slider cases. = 1.3.2 - 28 June 2018 = * Simplified link styling. = 1.3.1 - 22 May 2018 = * Added initial RTL support. * Prevented link styling from impacting SiteOrigin Hero buttons. * Enahanced the mobile menu to close on click. * Styled comment form cookie consent. * Premium: Disabled Ajax comments form submit button when comment submitted. = 1.3 - 25 March 2018 = * Overhauled excerpt function. `ultra_excerpt_more` and `ultra_custom_excerpt_length` deprecated. * Added Smart Slider 3 support to the Page Slider setting. = 1.2.19 - 07 February 2018 = * Link border fix for media. * Removed smooth scrolling from external page anchors. = 1.2.18 - 31 December 2017 = * Fixed page slider blog page setting issue. * Resolved small author box spacing issue. * Updated Settings framework to resolve error. = 1.2.17 - 26 November 2017 = * Center site title and tagline when centered header layout is used. = 1.2.16 - 04 November 2017 = * Updated comments heading translation function. * Updated related posts function. * Updated pot file. * Minor code enhancements. * Premium: Fixed top bar right menu social icon Customizer colors. = 1.2.15 - 16 October 2017 = * Exluded template parts from SiteOrigin Post Loop widget. * Fixed "Continue reading" button style issue. * Added Masonry blog layout. * Premium: Expand scope of content heading font and body font settings. = 1.2.14 - 09 October 2017 = * Fixed one page navigation menu item selection bug. * Fixed Panels Lite PHP 7+ bug. = 1.2.13 - 20 September 2017 = * Updated comments navigation function. = 1.2.12 - 29 August 2017 = * Fixed WooCommerce button issue. = 1.2.11 - 27 July 2017 = * Added Yelp icon to social menus. * Fixed gallery overlap bug. = 1.2.10 - 19 July 2017 = * Allow menu search field to be closed with escape key. * Adjusted header search field z-index to prevent drop-down menu items overlapping. * Comment reply form styling adjustments. * Removed theme link styling from Inked Portfolio widget sort links. = 1.2.9 - 03 July 2017 = * Added scaling header support for the centered header layout. = 1.2.8 - 06 June 2017 = * Added support for Jetpack Related Posts. = 1.2.7 - 05 June 2017 = * Added Center Header Layout option to Customize > Theme Settings > Header section. = 1.2.6 - 05 May 2017 = * Updated WooCommerce gallery to use all available styles. * Fixed Page Settings header margin bug when Page Title not enabled. * Various small WooCommerce styling fixes to product archive and single pages. = 1.2.5 - 19 April 2017 = * Added WooCommerce gallery support. * Added WooCommerce gallery image spacing. = 1.2.4 - 10 April 2017 = * Added related posts section for blog single and compatibility with YARPP. * Premium: Fix content hover colors for post title & carousel. = 1.2.3 - 13 March 2017 = * Updated Font Awesome to version 4.7.0. * Added Snapchat icon to menu social network icons. * Improved "read more" theme setting description. * Internationalized footer text PHP date. * Premium: Linked Heading Color setting to post titles on blog archive pages. = 1.2.2 - 14 February 2017 = * Removed duplicate author description on author archive pages. * Removed hover styling for WoooCommerce cart icon. * Premium: Linked WooCommerce button, pagination and sale sticker colors to the Content Link Color setting. = 1.2.1 - 01 February 2017 = * Added a RSS icon to the theme social icons. * Various WooCommerce cart and checkout design fixes. = 1.2.0 - 16 January 2017 = * Added support for Jetpack Responsive Videos. Fitvids will not be loaded if Jetpack is enabled. * Added Jetpack Infinite Scroll support for WooCommerce. * Fixed Jetpack Infinite Scroll bug, pagination now hidden. * Fixed menu search form bug. Search form now closes on click outside the form. * Fixed social icon xing bug. = 1.1.9 - 04 January 2016 = * Fixed WooCommerce stylesheet handle namespacing. * Fixed WooCommerce pagination formatting bug. * Added comments links to smooth scroll. * Limited smooth scroll page scroll reset to external anchors. * Adjusted post author box spacing. * Fixed WooCommerce star display bug. = 1.1.8 - 13 December 2016 = * Adjusted author box description santization. * Improved WooCommerce pagination styling when used with WooCommerce Colors plugin. * Resolve WooCommerce paginationa arrow display bug. * Removed CSS vendor prefixes inline with Bourbon 5. = 1.1.7 - 29 November 2016 = * Add styling support for WooCommerce product list and cart widgets. * Correct WooCommerce review star link styling. * Add styling support for WooCommerce pagination. * Remove underline from SiteOrigin Carousel images. * Adjustments to Flex Slider styling to allow Meta Slider Pro themes to style captions. = - 08 November 2016 = * Remove author box description conditional to resolve < PHP 5.5 error. = - 08 November 2016 = * Version number increase for WP.org. = 1.1.6 - 08 November 2016 = * Fix current menu classes function bug. * Fix page Meta Slider stretch and overlap settings bug. * Improved author box layout when no author description added. * Fix search form translation bug. = 1.1.5 - 24 October 2016 = * Adjust smooth scroll header offset for adminbar. * Add setting to disable smooth scrolling. * Add smooth scroll support for custom class. * Fix current menu item style bug. * Adjust archive pages to use h2 headings for better SEO. * Add author box setting for single posts. = - 12 October 2016 = * Fixed missing single post featured images bug. * Improved footer widget spacing. = 1.1.4 - 10 October 2016 = * Fixed blockquote word-wrap bug. * Removed sticky header responsive menu conditional. * Prevented conflicts with Max Mega Menu (MMM) by excluding main menu script from running if MMM is active. * Added Page Settings and Page Template Settings. * Allow HTML to be used in the Footer Text field. * Resolved double scroll bar bug in Firefox. * Add a default for the Continue Reading field if saved blank. * Fixed various one page navigation smooth scroll bugs. * Fixed Meta Slider settings synchronization bug. * Updated settings framework. * Premium: Exclude WooCommerce from Ajax comments. = 1.1.3 - 01 September 2016 = * Fixed drop-down menus not appearing when responsive menu or responsive layout not enabled. * Fixed responsive menu sub-menu problem when main menu drop-down had already been deployed. * Updated home page Meta Slider page and Customizer setting sync. * Removed Sticky Kit and added HC Sticky. * Premium: Fixed footer text color setting problem when no widget title added. Changed setting CSS scope. = 1.1.2 - 25 August 2016 = * Fixed searchform.php translation function error. * Fixed responsive menu JavaScript error impacting Firefox users only. * Premium: Fixed menu font size setting. = 1.1.1 - 24 August 2016 = * Fixed missing text domain in searchform.php. = 1.1 - 24 August 2016 = * Fixed social icon not displaying in IE. * Updated German translation compliments of Stefan Widua. * Changed logo width from auto to 100% to resolve logo image not resizing in Firefox. * Fixed left alignment menu problem in IE. * Added WooCommerce product widget styling. * Added Swedish translation. * Fixed slider documentation link. * Added author description for archives and support for shortcodes. * Linked Page Builder's responsive layout setting to Ultra's responsive layout theme setting. * Added a max-width to form fields to prevent overflow. * Fixed comment form spacing issues resulting from new WP comment form layout. * Set the Page Builder full-width container to ensure full-width stretched rows don't overflow in boxed layout bound. * Added setting for content heading padding. * Expanded scope of FitVids.js to include WooCommerce pages. * Changed Jetpack Logo support to the new WordPress Site Logo. * Updated Font Awesome to version 4.6.3. * Added Page Builder prebuilt home page thumbnail. * Changed FitVids.js scope to ignore Tableau data. * Changed YouTube icon to play button version for social menus. * Added sub-menu toggling to the mobile menu. * Added top bar menu drop-downs to mobile resolutions. * Added widget area descriptions. * Moved changelog from readme into a separate changelog file. * Sass changes. Removed Compass and Susy and added Bourbon. * Modernized legacy browser script enqueue method. * Migrated Theme Settings to the Customizer and updated settings framework. * Added a config file for WPML plugin to assist with translation of strings in theme settings. * Updated .pot translation file. * Migrated from header sentinel to JS sticky header to allow for mobile sticky behaviour. * Added settings for sticky header and back to top on mobile devices. * Spacing fix for the WooCommerce single product page entry header. * Premium: Fixed Facebook share popup width issue in post sharing buttons. * Premium: Added option for social share icons in pages. * Premium: Fixed main menu margin setting. * Premium: Updated Ajax comments. = 1.0.2 - 25 September 2015 = * Added WooCommerce support. Note: If you're using a child theme action might be required. footer.php now requires a closing `` for the .container class and all template files that previously contained `` before `` should remove the div close as it's now included in footer.php. Theme support is standing by to assist. * Minor adjustments to bottom bar mobile padding. * Removed `the_archive_title` and `the_archive_description` functions from `template-tags.php`. These functions are now included in the WordPress core. * Added legacy browser support. * Resolved link underlines in SiteOrigin Slider widget. * Added new blog archive layouts. New layouts can be accessed from Theme > Settings > Blog > Blog Archive Layout or Page Builder Post Loop widget. = 1.0.1 - 01 September 2015 = * Updated WordPress Codex links from http to https. * Resolved a bug with setting sticky header opacity to 1. * Migrated from IcoMoon combined font pack to Font Awesome. * Moved location of the responsive menu section in style.css file. * Fixed incorrect div container class for Ultra Meta Slider captions. * Updated German translation compliments of Stefan Widua. * Added responsive behaviour to the top bar below the user set mobile menu collapse point. * Added Xing icon to social menus. * Epanded social menu links so they work in regular menus. * Expanded social menu locations to allow for regular menu items. * Introduced allowed tags to below the comment form. WP 4.3 removes this default. Since Ultra has had this as a setting since 0.9 we'll maintain it. * Fixed bug preventing top post navigation arrows from functioning correctly. * Fixed bug preventing logo from re-sizing correctly. * Added a setting to disable the right top bar menu. * Premium: Fixed assorted small Customizer CSS bugs. = 1.0 - 20 June 2015 = * Small change to container width and padding. * Fixed Page Builder full width stretched row padding. * Fix to ensure responsive menu toggle removed at setting collapse point. * Migrated README.md to readme.txt file in line with new .org recommendations. * Removed queries from Ultra Icons CSS to assist with IIS hosting related challenges. * Added boxed layout bound theme setting. * Expanded responsive layout theme setting to include the desktop environment. * Added supporting styles for JWPLAYER to ensure theme button styles don't change the player's buttons. * Small code formatting changes to bring Ultra inline with WordPress coding standards. * Removed Page Builder full width stretched row style in favor of user inputted padding if required. * Fixed Meta Slider stretched link target problem. * Standardised script handles for FitVids and FlexSlider. For more please see [WP Standard Handles](https://github.com/grappler/wp-standard-handles). * Removed Sass elements. If you require the Sass files for Ultra, please, don't hesitate to get in touch via [support](http://purothemes.com/support/forum/ultra/). * Added premium upgrade option. * Added German translation compliments of Stefan Widua. * Updated /languanges/puro.pot. = 0.9.4 - 04 May 2015 = * Updated default for phone number setting. * Change menu opacity to only target slider overlap. * Removed /images folder. No longer required by Meta Slider. * Removed unnecessary class from extras.php. * Re-ordered theme settings. * Updates to Extras. * Changed from JS logo resizing on scale to CSS only resize. * Removed HC Sticky, switching to sentinel sticky header technique for nice smooth fade in, fade out. * Added a small fix to prevent a horizontal scoll bar appearing when using full width Meta Slider, Flex, Default theme. * Small fixes to menu arrow positioning. * Added style support for Jetpack widgets. * Added style support for MyBookStore plugin. * Added style support for Contact Form 7. * Added light style support for Gravity Forms. * Adjusted word break for paragraphs and headings. * Addressed a responsive issues in non WebKit browsers. Set width on primary div to resolve. * Added a sticky header opacity setting. * Adjusted responsive header widths and site title font sizes. * Added a blog setting for the read more text. * Updated 404 page breadcrumb integration. * Added packaged breadcrumb trail option. * Added post content theme setting. * Added excerpt length theme setting. * Added click to call functionality to the top bar phone number. * Removed complementary and designer rel tags to pass W3C HTML5 Validator standards. * Fixed post author display error on single blog posts. * WooCommerce button fix. More style support to follow. * Introduced an optional menu class to left align drop downs in top and main menus. * Made the logo and menu allowed space dependent on the mobile menu collapse resolution. * Linked the site title when used in the footer copyright field. * Table optimisation. Small adjustment to primary and secondary container full width breakpoint. * Updated screenshot. * Updated /languanges/puro.pot. = 0.9.3 - 31 March 2015 = * Refactored CSS. * Fixed problem with drop down menu arrows. * Added a default, no page title template. * Added a full width, no page title template. * Added additional theme settings. * Added responsive styling. * Updated Ultra Flexslider theme. * Add support for both WordPress SEO Breadcrumbs and Breadcrumb NavXT. * Updated theme tags. * Added new Meta Slider overlay functionality. * Added new demo Meta Slider images and overlays. * Updated /languanges/puro.pot. = 0.9.2 - 09 February 2015 = * Updated screenshot. = 0.9.1 - 09 February 2015 = * Various design improvements. * Added Page Builder Lite. * Added theme settings. = 0.9 - 25 January 2015 = * Initial release.